
The complete failure of Northumbria Police and IOPC.

In this report, I’m highlighting from my own personal opinion, the complete failure of Northumbria police and the IOPC system.

On the 27th of October 22 as a citizen journalist and amateur photographer, I went and visited South Shields police station, where I took some video and photographs of the police station and police vehicles. Everything was going fine, had no problems at all until I went into the front office to take some pictures of the notice boards and this is where things went downhill.

I do have a video of exactly what has happened and I highly recommend you watch this video before you read the rest of the story, as the video has key evidence showing the lies that were fed back to me from the IOPC complaint.

From the interaction you can see from the video, I decided to make a formal complaint to the IOPC about my treatment at the station. I fill the only form in and submitted my complaint. Unfortunately part of the failure lies here, as The IOPC forwards your complaint to the relevant police force which in my case was Northumbria police and did not deal directly with the complaint themselves as an independent body.

A few days on, I had a response from a police inspector for the Northumbria Police.

The following is the response I had, I’m going to highlight under each paragraph, the lies and half-truths in my own personal opinion. P.S, I will also include the original copy of the email for anyone that would like to read it at the bottom of this post.

As You can see by watching the interaction video and then by reading the complaint response, you can see how I’ve been lied to and half-truths put in and it just goes to show how much corruption there is within our police forces.

There has been a complete failure in the police force all the way down to the IOPC. We need a truly independent governing body that investigates complaints against the police that don’t actually forward the complaint to the police. As we all know more times than not police will stick up for police unfortunately and that is the sad truth.

Dear Mr X,
I have been passed your complaint from the Independent Office for Police Conduct in relation to your visit to the front office of South Shields police station on 27th October 2022.

In considering my response I have viewed footage of the incident.

To address the points in your complaint, a copy of the police and criminal evidence act is readily available in our custody suites, they are not routinely stocked in front office areas as we do not get requests from members of the public to view them. In this digital age they are freely available online as Sgt O’Sullivan advised you.

First off, to say they don’t get members of the public asking to view a copy of pace is crazy.
So are they saying that I’m not a member of the public when I went in to ask for a copy?
Also, it states in code C (and several other codes) 1.2 the following: This Code of Practice must be readily available at all police stations for consultation by:
police officers;
police staff;
detained persons;
members of the public.
I like to highlight that it says MUST, not maybe, not only if they have copies, it says MUST

In relation to the front office at South Shields police station being a public area, we do encourage members of the public to enter our front office but they are not public area, to enter these areas it is an implied licence. As you entered the building filming you undermined public confidence as Sgt O’Sullivan explained to you, we have victims of domestic abuse, serious violence and sexual offences attend this area and the sight of you filming with multiple cameras attached to your body is not acceptable. Sgt O’Sullivan withdrew the implied licence for you to be in our front office and asked you to leave.

Let’s break this one down in several places,

1: He says it’s not a public area, however under Criminal Justice Act 1972: section 33 it states: “Public place” includes any highway and any other premises or place to which at the material time the public have or are permitted to have access, whether on payment or otherwise ”.

So as the front counter was open to the public during the opening hours and the doors were unlocked, it is then a public place.

2: Where he goes on to say about undermined public confidence as Sgt O’Sullivan explained is completely wrong.
As per the video, not once did Sgt O’Sullivan explain anything like that to me. Also as per his very own response above about copies of PACE where he says: In this digital age they are freely available online. Yes, in this digital age, most people have cameras and are filming and taking photos of anything and everything. It’s 2022 get used to it

3: I did not have multiple cameras attached to your body. I had 1 camera on my body and one in hand which wasn’t even recording. So that is not multiple cameras

4: The NPCC Auditors/Social Media Bloggers – Initial Guidance says the following:
There are no powers prohibiting the taking of photographs, film or digital images in a public place. Therefore, members of the public and the press should not be prevented from doing so

. We need cooperation with the media and amateur photographers. They play a vital role as their images help us identify criminals.
. We must acknowledge that citizen journalism is a feature of modern life and police officers are now photographed and filmed more than ever.
. Unnecessarily restricting photography, whether for the casual tourist or professional is unacceptable and it undermines public confidence in the police service

It makes you wonder if they have even read this memo

5: I believe that Sgt O’Sullivan withdrew the implied licence just because i was filming in there, which is a breach of Article 14 of the Human Rights:

Article 14: Discrimination happens when a public authority, policy, practice or person: treats a person less favourably than others in similar situations on the basis of a particular characteristic.

I can see you began to shout at Sgt O’Sullivan who advised you that continuing to act in a disorderly manner would result in you being arrested, the actions of Sgt O’Sullivan were acceptable.

At no point did I shout at Sgt O’Sullivan until the very end when i called him a muppet. My behaviour at this post still wouldn’t be classed as disorderly manner. You will see he is the one that walked backout to add fuel on the fire, where his actions should have been to defuse the situation by not returning.

Although you state this action of filming is your hobby and that you travel up and down the country in order to this, I must advise you that the implied licence for you to enter South Shields Police front office remains withdrawn along with any other front office in Northumbria Police area. This of course does not prevent you filming officers in a public place such as a public street.

I will admit, I’m not sure if he has the power to do this or not. My gut is saying he doesn’t and it’s a scare tactic.
In my view, as long as I get ANY police inspector or above to allow me access to any Northumbria Police Station, then this will no longer apply, which I think I can easily do.

Gary Querry 7514
Inspector Response Policing

Here are the raw files for you to read

Alex Lee

I’m a citizen journalist committed to covering news that mainstream media often overlooks. I strive to provide accurate reports to the best of my knowledge, with the assistance of AI when necessary. My focus includes government activities, legal matters, and other public services, along with capturing footage in public spaces to keep you informed about the issues that matter.

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